About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Monday, September 10, 2012

It's my birthday

Sixteenth, the number where I believed I would run away and get married or something. Seems silly now, but extremely possible, if we were still in love.
Anyways, I skipped school and just woke up from the scariest dream. It really was terrible, horrible, terrible, it's all I think right now.

~We woke up in the forest, a bit of machinery wreckage would soon prove to be shelter and height from the oncoming zombies. They would carry trays of randomized items, pencils, remotes with batteries inside, bottles, just overall pretty useless items that you had to be creative with. Every human, all 25 of us, we were all terrified at first, but all we could do was run and kill, we couldn't defend, we could only run and run and kill and maim.

At one point, a bit of a climax, my mom found this working car in the wreckage, some beat up ugly silver Nissan. It was old and she got in and was supposed to run down the zombies, right? Well it was a lot harder than it seems to us in the movies and books.
The car could hardly move and it kept on stalling. The zombie up front with some other man and I, was getting a bit vicious and it was harder and harder to dodge the thing. We were trying to keep him in the open so she could have access, of course.
Once she'd finally gotten the car out and ready to accelerate the bastard, all the humans arrived, the 20 something alive. They were running about and I was screaming at them to get out of the way so she could kill this Zombie, but with the humans came more zombies.
Soon enough I was too busy hanging from a balcony (Of my house for some reason) being tugged on by this super fat zombie to notice my mom. He was heavy, but I was strong enough to pull out of his bloody grip. (All the humans and zombies in my dream switched locations from the forest to my house.) That didn't really help me, though because there was this dead woman walking out from my room towards my exposed hands. I screamed and screamed and eventually dropped down onto the fat zombie and just punched his neck and head and face until he died. I was scared, terrified.

We managed to kill all the zombies in the house. My mom was there, giving people water from the kitchen as they panted and cleaned themselves up. Some were bleeding, but from self harm. They hadn't been bitten or scratched or anything. I stepped outside and there, sitting in my garage, was Eternity's car. In the driver's seat was Eternity, of course, and in the back was Katie. I got into the passengers, no questions asked, we just drove down the street and around my neighborhood. Everything was chaos, but peaceful, kind of like a post-apocalypse setting. But there were zombies being dropped out of nowhere, they'd land, stand, and start shuffling around, bloody and grotesque. We quickly drove back and Katie ran in to tell the remaining humans.

Eternity and I decided to commit suicide, and we drowned ourselves somehow, in front of Katie. Katie didn't want to die, but Eternity and I didn't want to continue running and killing and we didn't want to turn into zombies. We'd done our part already. But Katie was then alone outside and there were hundreds coming towards her. Some how we grabbed onto her arms as spirits and 
pulled her spirit out. Her body fell onto the road, dead, obviously, and our spirits were shipped to this building, this huuuuge underground factory.

There were humans, spirits really, in line being processed by white-coats. 95% of them were being turned into zombies and shipped up into the world, the other 5% were spared for bizarre reasons. I faked OCD perfectly, and was sent to the waiting room for humans. Only me, though, along with some others, including a friend called Peyton, but not for long.
Soon enough they realized who I was and they turned me. I told them that if they turned me, I'd survive, I'd not be dead-minded, and I'd kill the rest of the zombies.
They told me that it'd be bad for my friends if I tried to rebel. ...What's worse than being turned into a zombie? I couldn't think of anything so when they did turn me, I immediately began to slaughter everyone, the zombies, the scientists, and then I saw my mother's head... I saw her among the rest of the zombies  headed up to the world that I hadn't killed, yet.~

And I woke up, horrified.

~It was terrible, but I went back to sleep almost immediately and there I was in the real world, I hid my mother, Eternity, Katie, and Amber in separate cells. My bite, apparently, shifted zombies back into humans. It was very difficult, though. For instance I bit Katie and as she writhed and turned back to normal, she was terrified, screaming and screaming. Why? Because I was a zombie, and there were 3 other zombies in cells clawing at the walls and moaning. I could talk, though. I tried to get her to calm down, but I couldn't. She wouldn't stop screaming. So I just moved on and saved Eternity. And Katie quieted, Eternity was flipping out, then, but not as noisily as Katie. I turned Amber and by then Katie and Eternity were alright, they weren't totally alarmed at seeing me. When I turned my mom it took a long while for me to be able to explain who I was, what I was, and what had happened.

I let them stay in this elevated room, invisible white room where no one could find them. I told them I'd bring all the humans I could up here for them to tend to. That was hard, too. I looked like a zombie, but whenever I found a zombie/human struggle I'd attack the zombie, get them away from the human, but have to some how keep the human nearby. I'd need them to help the newly-revived-human back to the hide-out. My work was a total success. Everyone, literally everyone had been turned back...Except I was still a zombie. ~
But I woke up. :c Sad faced.
