About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Karaoke Night!

It is currently 1:30 am! We just got home and are not tired at all. Get ready to laugh your face off.

WEll this morning, we were woken up early (we being my sister and I, early being 9 am) by my mother and her sister. At 10, we left in the car with my mom and her two sisters. And an hour after boring driving we stopped at a house and picked up an old family friend, drove to that old family friend's daughter's house and picked HER up too! Oh so this doesnt get confusing I will make up names for them, ya know, for security. :D

(Old family friend: Lisa*, Old family friend's daughter: Esther*)
First thing we do after that is go to a restaurant on the beach. Unfortunatly, we were seated RIGHT NEXT TO a live jazz band. I was deaf in one ear for about 3 hours by the way. Anywho! So we're smiling and laughing as the band plays nicely, but then, to my poor eyes' horror, the lead singer walks over (which is only like 3 steps to our table) and calls my mom up to dance! So she walks over and dances for about a minute and then everyone claps and she sits down, he then calls my oldest aunt over and she dances for about a minute and then sits down, then he calls LISA over and, damn!! She danced so close to him he started screaming. And I'm not even kidding, I was like scarred for life. After she sits down and everyone claps, he calls up my other aunt, and asks her to sing Yeahehyeahehyeah! and so she does, and I laughed, and then he called my sister up and makes her sing Oohwa! Oohwa! so I laughed again. And THEN to my embarrasment he calls ME up and makes me copy his little dance jig thing he was doing, which I was pretty sure I looked like a moron but whatever and instead of letting me sit down her makes me sing too! So he goes YEAHEHYEAHEHYEAH! and I sang back yeahehyeahehyeah! And then he gave me wide eyes and I sat down and everyone clapped... Well this guy Ronnie, who played the sax was really funny, and the main singer called up Esther and she did some sexy dance thing, to him that was realllllllly funny and then she sat down and everyone clapped. Well after a few more times he kept walking up to our table, singing to us, or saying embarrasing things, he called our WHOLE TABLE up and we all had to dance infront of the WHOLE RESTRAUNT outside!

I'm kinda a shy person with dancing and singing, but I mean, I wasn't gonna be all stupid and reject it. So I went up there and danced with everone else! First I was off in my own little corner (if thats what you call infront of the band and behind my family) but then! My sister kidnapped me and made me do this wierd dance that looked really old fashioned and twirly. I kept on bursting out laughing cause I was so embarrased but once everyone sat down, she and I escaped to the lobby cause it was getting hot outside and we didnt want to have the limelight anymore. Oh I almost forgot! Well in the middle of the song the man singer was talking and he's all like "well people call me big mojo" turns to my oldest aunt, who was btw, zoned out while eating atm, and says "Yeah, honey, I'll teach you that sometime" And she turns around looks at him and says "Teach me what?" For some reason that was extremely hilarious and I was laughing my head off with my sister. Okay back in the lobby, a couple waiters and waitresses kept walking by and complimenting us which was cool, but then after another hour, we got together and went to Lisa's house. Phew!

Oh by the way, I don't know how to dance, so..just imagine how stupid I looked and laugh. I took a nap for an hour there. Once I woke up we were on our way to Esther's house! We picked her up and then went to her second home. The fire station!! It was so cool, we met some of her buddies and stuff and took a tour and saw everything! Apparantly all of them cook too. After an hour there we left and then...

Karaoke NIGHT! Esther decided to get us into some club, in the back was a bar and in the front was a dining area, and in front of the dining area was an open floor with an amazing sound system. We were there for the rest of the night singing karaoke. It was so fun and Esther was an AMAZING singer! I loved how at the end when we were about to leave people would compliment us, one guy in perticular said my sister and I sounded like angels when we were singing, though personally, when I asked my sister, she thought we sounded like crap and I agreed. Well we left, dropped off Esther, dropped off Lisa and went home and HERE I AM!

Was your day this cool?
Oh and..my throat hurts. If you are reading this. Sometime this month you should obviously, go sing karaoke infront of strangers. It's awkward, but fun!

*Name changed for security

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