About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Friday, July 16, 2010


Everyone in the world has been bored at least once. Except babies maybe..but still.
I would say the reasons for boredom is having no one to talk to or nothing exciting going on..which all go back to the definition. Boredom is an emotional state experienced during periods lacking activity or when individuals are uninterested in the opportunities surrounding them.

But there is also a quote about boredom that is pretty much, sorta kinda, almost fully true! “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” I don't really know who said that..I think it was Ellen Parr. The reason I said pretty much, sorta kinda, almost fully true is because where Ellen Parr(?) says 'There is no cure for curiosity.' There probably is, I mean hasn't your parents ever told you "Billy! Look don't touch! or Curiosity killed the cat! or None of your buisness" (Not that my name is Billy) First of all we're curious so we want to pick up and poke and prod things! Also..none of your buisness..I don't know why I put that there. Maybe cause it kinda makes you more curious if someone says that.

For me I would say, go watch tv, play the computer, listen to music, read a book, draw, write, go play with your friends, go make friends!, go to the movies, and as my sister says: stare at people. But then she told me to go "Finish your blog, *kid*!"

Welllll, usually I don't watch tv, even though I truly enjoy good movies, and I also love reading books, but I havent seen any good ones. (I haven't been looking, got any suggestions?) RECENTLY of course, I have been reading stories and watching tv ON! THE! COMPUTER! I know..I'm so cool. ((heavy sarcasm)) Wow..I just noticed how boring I sound. Let me be funny. My sister throws shoes at me and so I said she smelled like man sweat which is a really funny thing to say actually, it made me laugh. But I am gonna stop calling names because my loving mother told me to be more lady like. Oh have you ever randomly screamed just for fun and ended up laughing cause it sounded funny. You haven't? Well do it. RIGHT NOW! Cause I promise you, you will laugh, if you don't then you can kick me, if you can find me!! Just kidding, I don't want stalkers.. Oh! I forgot you can also watch YouTube, cause it's funny. HAHA! Or just google what to do when you're bored.

Do not be bored, guys!
-~xXx~®â†GøÐde§s~xXx I DARE YOU ALL TO quack whenever somebody says your name. And those who think they're too cool to do this. You really aren't...I guess.

*name changed so nobody feels offended

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