About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Monday, July 19, 2010


HAHA I had caps lock on because my hand slipped.. I'M currently tryin to type this post with my left hand only..It's pretty challenging! Not really, but, STILL!

Today I went to the beach with my sister and mom. The sand was hot so the first thing we do is throw oour stuff on the ground and run for the ocean. Okay just so you know..it wasn't that smart.. You see today there was a red flag, which means: high hazard, strong current. Oh and if you don't know what a current is (What?! Maybe there's some kid that has never seen the ocean before, how should I know?! Oh and an ocean is like a BIG lake! Which is a BIG pond, which is a BIG puddle..get the picture? Oh and a puddle is made of water..except the ocean is salt water! Salt water is water with salt in it. And salt is a mineral made of sodium chloride. A mineral is like a rocky substance, and a rock is a stone, and a stone is a..I don't know what a stone is but whatever)A current is like..umm.. Its like a really strong pull in the water, from the waves..umm..so yeah if your like in one spot and the current is flowing west, next thing you know the ocean had pulled you pretty far out west. Get it? (oh and the ocean takes up 2/3 of the Earth..so when I say BIG i mean BIG! ..and its made up of water..and there are fish and sharks and man eating creatures and stuff..) BACK TO THE STORY!

So the current and stuff made the waves go crazy and then were headed north, south, east, west, you name it! White caps were all over the place and there was a LOAD of seaweed. I mean ALOT you could go anywhere without having a thousand strands snaring you ankles and arms and stuff! (Okay I exagerate when I say a thousand but..shut up) so very soon (OH! A white cap is when the water is like really fast and airborn and stuff it foams at the top and the water turns white cause its foamy and stuff..I think) like after 5 minutes my sister and I kinda freak out cause we don't like not knowing whats under us and so we got out of the ocean. Later on, like 2 hours later, there wasn't so much seaweed left but still alot, and the current wasn't that bad but the waves WOW! You could walk 4 feet into the ocean and the water would be up to a grown man's shoulders. It was crazy. My sister and I had trouble standing, everytime a huge wave would come its like "OMG! Where's the ground!" and then your on your tippee toes again. We left after ten minutes of getting beat up by waves and went back on shore. I think after another hour we went home and washed the car. And here I am! Except this is like awhile after we got home but whatever.

You people with the "Whats the ocean" faces..Tsk. Tsk. Tsk!
I miss..my puppy.

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