About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Monday, January 24, 2011

Humans Are Amazing

Smirking at my last post, I forgot I wrote about that Thursday. I had been planning on writing about it because the very next day. That Friday after I posted, something happened again. I saw knives, I screamed, I screamed a horrified scream, she looked at me, something flashed in her eyes, hesitation? I'll never know. She clutched the knives, in both hands there were 3. A total of 6 weapons I was terrified of. Only terrified that she would hurt herself. I started forward. Hands covering my mouth I started towards her in a rush, only to be pushed back by him. Him who I sometimes hate. Only to be pushed into a car, with my sister and my brother. We screamed and sobbed. "Go back! Go back! Don't leave her there!" It went on and on. Eventually we were left alone in a parking lot, to wander barefoot towards home. He came back and picked up my sister and I, took us home, asked us, do we go to a hotel? Don't go inside. We don't know what she will do... He didn't pick up my brother, eventually to my shock I discovered my brother beat us home, he beat a freaken car home. My sister and I, and He, left to go get food, to have me discover, how amazing a human is. How the boy at the register, wouldn't have known that an hour before, I saw such a monster, a monster that I love so much I wouldn't care if I was killed as long as she got to live a minute more. That boy at the register. Had no idea. And will never know. That he saw me, me the screwed up girl. The Girl who loves black, who loves to cuddle, who's terrified of being left alone, who feels alone all the time, besides the company of the monster family. The girl who is un afraid of her own death. The one that is terrified of a certain person's death. And the girl who can't wait for love to come save her. Save her from herself. Because she will need someone else to love once her love is dead. Or else she will die.

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