About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sharks and Grizzlys

I had a weird dream last night, quite contradictory to my earlier post, but not totally.
From what I can remember, this random boy-Let's call him Niko-and I were walking hand and hand through an odd place: there was hard, sandstone everywhere, like a desert, it was flat and endless, the full moon was low in the sky and as creamy as ever..The sky was a blackish purple and there were lamp posts that we were walking to.. Random lamp posts that exposed the sand's true color. Niko was beautiful, too. He wasn't towering over me, just a decent height for a boy. He had dark hair, pale skin, violet eyes. He was gorgeous. I woke up crying when the scene changed and we were on beach. On a hill of sand 30 feet above the ocean, 20 feet from it's edge. Niko was pointing out this flatbed floating in the ocean, that was designer and must be worth thousands. A HUGE wave suddenly appears and we both gasp in awe. The second massive wave brings the flatbed up about 20 feet away from us and Niko cheers and lets go of my hand, quickly running down the hill and to the ankle deep after-wave. The after-wave is about 15 feet out, very shallow..You know? How when a wave washes up on shore and then retreats back into the ocean? The after-wave! The retreating part! So he's about to stomp on the retreating flatbed when the coming wave brings pushes a wiggling grey thing past Niko..And as the water retreats back into the ocean, the wiggling thing is pulled towards Niko's unknowning form. I scream for him to turn around and when he does, it's already attacked him. He was chest deep in the water. He screamed so loud. ...It was terrible. His screams. The shark was biting his arm, his abdomen, his hip..He met my eyes and screamed! Next thing I know I jumped off the hill and was by him in seconds..And I was on the shark. And I was sinking my fangs into it and Niko's blood and the shark's blood was everywhere around us in the foaming sea. Our skin was covered in pink salt water. The next second the shark's body parts are floating around us and Niko's face is in my neck and I'm sobbing as he heaves with agony. And I wake up. And I lie there. And I cry.
I had a dream about Niko, but Niko didn't go to sleep thinking of me because Niko doesn't exist. I don't dream much, but when I do...They're always bloody.
And I was wondering, as I sniffled into my pillow and let it soak up the salty tears from my cheeks, why do we exterminate terrible creatures such as Grizzly Bears when sharks are just as bad? It's not impossible to exterminate them. It's not impossible to set up a giant net bordering areas so that humans can swim without having to be terrified. But the liberals say it's wrong. It's wrong to prevent creatures from doing as they've done the past hundred years. It's wrong to prevent humans from getting attacked or dogs from getting eaten (The happens a lot, actually). But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm the only person in the world absolutely terrified of the ocean and lakes because they're dark and mysterious and you can't see what's below you. You can't see what will come up and grab you and carry you down into the empty depths of the water. Maybe I'm alone.

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