About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

You Can't Fool Me

It was a big mistake to take my zombie pill last night so I could do homework at like 10pm. It totally didn't affect my brain because it was nighttime, if anything, it made me sleepier. So the last 10 questions I didn't answer I just wrote random numbers on and boxed them to pretend I did answer. I woke up around 3 in the morning subconciously because I heard someone walking up the stairs and through the Play Room. I have vamp ears. No joke. Big house. Carpet floor. Easy to be as silent as any thief, but you know..I hear everything. I think it would creep people out if I told them, so I don't. Maybe it's genetic since Amber always talks louder than normal, maybe her hearing is below average. And since Jeremy has highly sensitive ears sometimes, maybe his ears are like mine, but in a bad way. You can be talking in a soft voice and he'll think you're screaming. Maybe that's why he talks so quietly. Mumbles, even. I squeezed my eyes shut when the stranger turned the light on, and dozed off again. An hour later I woke up to the fact I was clutching a large metal cap in my fist rather than my phone. Uh oh. So I got up and searched for it, eventually finding it right next to where my head was, on the nightstand. A parent did that I guess. I couldn't get back to sleep no matter what so I suppose I could go take a shower. It's 5 am. I might wake someone up doing that, though. Too bad. I might straighten my hair, but my straightener is downstairs. Do I have enough time for all this? maybe. Maybe not. My bad. It's 6 am. I possibly don't have enough time. Under 2 hours? Eh. ...I'll try anyways.
I don't know what to wear for school today. My brain suggests my black Breaking Benjamin T Shirt and my black jeans and black furry boots, but I was also planning on taking a nap after school today --In school or at home, I don't care. Someone could walk by and take a picture of me. I don't care. Though if they tag me in it on facebook...I might care. That annoys me. Why does it have to be THREE dots? It's so troublesome. So I should bring a jacket, too. To use as a blanket or maybe a pillow. I wonder if I should take my zombie pill again soon. I wonder...if it would kill me. I had a friend overdose from his pills last year on accident. You're only supposed to take one a day, but mine only usually lasts like...8 hours..I'll take the risk. If I die. Then the one man I showed this blog to has full responsibility to give the link to my father some how...Or just to the world. Whichever he can manage. But I should hurry up and shower with my lovely coconut shampoo that smells so fucking awesome. Oh. I understand now. I hear a car in my driveway and the door open and close. It must be my sister going to seminary. Huh. So she was the stranger. Why did she take my phone from me, then? *shrugs* I hallucinate. Like just now when I was about to reach out and click PUBLISH POST, I felt a hand run down my back and then up to my right shoulder blade where it dug it's nails in. You'd think I was joking, but it actually happens a lot. Scares the shit out of me. I'll be walking in broad daylight and out of the corner of my eye I'll see someone and totally jump away with a gasp or a scream and then I'll look again and there was either no one there or it will be some stupid object that doesn't match the color of the walls around it. My brain likes to make me look like a fool. Maybe you think I'm psycho for talking to myself or about myself like this, but it comforts me. Amuses me. Shower time.

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