About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Band Bashers = Retarded Pricks

This is a very, very old Note I wrote on Facebook. It was inspired by my boyfriend at the time as he sent me links to some asshole bashing my favorite band.

I -really- don't give a shit, who you are or what you do, if you go around pissing on a band that "you don't like", reconsider it.

Chances are, you're going to run into a fan of said band, and the fight is not going to be a pretty one. I don't know about any of you, but I stand up for my bands.

If I hear you talking about how you think some band I -love- is "fucking gay", "full of faggots" or has "shitty music" and I think otherwise? EXPECT to have some freaking short girl, with brown hair bitching in your face.

Personally, I absolutely hate most people that absolutely hate my favorite band. And that band? Is MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE.

Don't think you have shit on a band because of it's name. I mean, what the hell? Wanna talk about names? I'll give you some names to laugh about. Did you know your parents used to have sex to Ding Ding Dong? Yeah? Don't believe me? Go play it for them.

If you think you have shit on a band because of how they dress or what they look like? Go look in the mirror, I'm pretty sure I can find 15 different flaws about your appearance that you won't forget.

If you think you have shit on a band because of what they freaking name. a. song??? Unless they name it "I'm going to rape your sister" then, you have no reason to have anger on a band. I mean, you must be crazy to get pissed off because it's a stupid name like "Taco Bell Is Gay".

And don't you freaking dare try and bash a band because they have a sad song about a kid dying with cancer. What's it to you? Is there something insulting about the name? Hm? Aww poor baby. Poor you. You're insulted by songs that have to do with tragedies. Well a LOT of listeners and fans of a band like that? They can relate to the song. People have screwed up lives, believe it. An' some people are only holding on because they LIVE by that music, they LOVE to hear the singer of some famous band telling a story of tragedy and then singing a happy ending and saying "I'll always be here for you".

Some of you people who do any of this must have a very large stick up your ass labeled "Life". You must be the dumb freaks who go on Youtube and bash a band when over 5 million fans can read your comment. Let me challenge you: DON'T EVER insult a band or a singer, unless you can do BETTER than that band or singer. Unless YOU can somehow gain TEN MILLION fans. TEN MILLION fans in a short 5 years that will make you rich by going to your concerts and buying your music.

Love, Kelsy.


#1 DUMBSHIT: http://getoffmylawnkid.blogspot.com/2010/11/bands-that-suck-balls-my-chemical.html?showComment=1311647319844#c7934218505518587538 "

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