About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mondays, oh Mondays.

It was in the very early morning that my alarm went off. Possibly around 5 in the morning. I vaguely remember reaching over with my left hand to brush my fingertips over the smooth cold surface of the electronic Ihome that serves as my alarm clock. I was looking for a circle within a circle on the right side of the top. I clicked and clicked and clicked because my common sense wasn't fully comprehending the situation while half-asleep. Eventually I turned the device off and fell back asleep.
Again I woke at 7 in the morning, this time looking over to see that the clock read "11:am" and thinking to myself "It's 11. I should get up." I looked over "...Oh it's a 11. It's 11." A third time I glanced over it read "7:13". I was confused. I suggested to myself that the mistake had only been my mind playing tricks on me.
In Algebra, I lied to my teacher.
I texted my mom asking her to buy my notes.
I made a to-do list.
Just as I was about to point out my teacher's uselessness, a request for me in the counselor's office was made apparent by an Aide walking in with a pink slip with my name on it. I sighed in annoyance and stomped out the door and down the hall. I turned sharply to the left and began the long journey down the main 2nd story passage way. I was slightly regretting the email I had sent to my dear counselor. I looked from my feet to the staircase I was heading to and noticed my AP walking towards me. Shit.
We had a brief discussion to why I wasn't at detention on Saturday.
I made it to the counselor's office.
I signed in.
I looked around.
The clerk finally noticed me and waved me through.
I walked for a minute or two until I found the correct office.
I stepped in.
She rudely told me to take a seat.
I obliged.
I allowed her to explain her dumbass actions of the previous week.
I made it apparent that I was annoyed with her.
I pestered her with useless questions.
She lied to me.
I could tell.
She informed me that she had never received an email as rude and disrespectful in her whole life.
I bluntly shrugged and rolled my eyes.
I didn't give a shit.
I left.
I made it back to Algebra.
I pointed out my teacher's uselessness.
I updated my to-do list.
I updated my friends about my counselor and schedule.
I was forced to promise to show them the email.
I nodded.
The bell rang.
I walked with a friend to Band while bitching about my counselor.
I freaked out.
I forgot my flute.
Amber forgot her flute.
I freaked out.
I stared at Mr. Meyers.
He noticed the lack of my instrument.
He bluntly told me to get the hell out and that I wouldn't be playing in the concert tonight.
I left.
I shrugged.
I sighed.
I sat quietly watching the rehearsal, ignoring the dumb statements of my sister and wondering if Meyers would feel like shit if he knew that I was dying. Or if I showed him a video of someone having a sever psychotic breakdown and said "That's my mom. Frequently." or informed him of my parent's divorce.
My eyes watered.
Rehearsal ended.
I walked around the bandhall avoiding friends.
I got my emotions under control.
I sent a long text to the first girl who found out I was dying a day after I even found out.
I got called down to my AP's office by Meyers.
I discussed a book with her co-worker.
I almost left.
I was not allowed to.
I went to the library with my AP.
I talked to the librarian and informed her of the fact that I was absolutely positive I returned the book that was apparently in my hands last.
She couldn't find it.
I now owe the school 35 dollars.
I went to my new Spanish class.
Tons of hotties. (Guys)
I was embarrassed when my teacher pointed me out.
She's sweet enough.
Though she has an annoyingly high pitched voice.
The end.
Oh. And I'm dead fucking tired.
Oh and after school.
I pickpocketed a friend.
I changed her best friend's contact name to "Mom" and vis versa.
I posted 2 funny facebook status.
One was "I like pineapples. I like them hard."
the other was concerning her carelessness.
I think that's all.

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