About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Monday, March 5, 2012

Texts To and From my Mother's Sister

Would you pleeeeeease refrain from callllling or texting my mooooom? I literally have at most 6 hours left with her and then she's yours for another 4 months. Understand my desperation.

Kelsy ,no I don't understand your desperation, u never love and respet your mother how she deserve,your never change your nasty actitud.U don't think is a little late.

With all do respect, you don't know my heart or mind. You wouldn't understand my emotions. That's apparent. No I don't think it's late at all.

Your heart must be made by iron,because every time just come out your mouse bad thing to say to my sister without any emotion

No. That's what happens after I see too many sick things. Again, you wouldn't understand. And I'm glad you don't.

You have excusas for everything,but watever is you don't have any right to treat my sister the way u do,is your Mother no matter what

It's called "honesty". Look it up. Oh, and look up "excuse" while you're at it...Maybe even "truth"? I understand everything I say and do, Luisis. In America it's called Freedom of Speech. If you're being abused, you're allowed to speak out.
If you've been raped, you won't be condemned if you report who it was. If you are angry...You can say whatever you want. But it's your conscience and your morals and your sense of humanity that sways your actions towards the people around you.

your being abused or raped?

Yes, I am being abused. Why the hell do you care? Did you not stand by and watch your family be abused and raped. Did you not stand by? Was there honestly NOTHING you could have done?

Wy u don't say whay u realy want to say ,stop going around the bushes
In wich way u r been abused,because they yield at lot and u have to clean.,study ,and do what they tell u to do?But if u been raped wy u didin't say anything before ,because that is a big and delicate matter and tell your father about that

I didn't say I was reaped and in the first place: I didn't SAY offhand that I was being abused either. I was using those as examples of MY RIGHTS since you think I have none. Luisis, I have no motivation to continue this conversation with you because I have a feeling- since you're not as smart as my mother- I know you'll cause this conversation to bite me in the ass. Au revior

Like always ,u have such a big mouse, I don't hae any respect for u don't bother answering.

I am a big mouse. And you're a big elephant. Which is why you're scared of me. -- The only reason I won't tell you what I REALLY think; what I REALLY feel and SEE...is because the way you hurt my mother with your mouth. You act like you care about her, but it was of your constant pushing of my mother to get a divorce over the years that you've destroyed not only her, but her entire family she's worked hard to raise. In the end, it will be Your fault she commits suicide. Especially if you show her this conversation. Which proves a few things: 1. You're stupid. 2. You don't love her at all. 3. If you show her or tell her even one word of this conversation to her or anyone who might show her, I will not hold back. I don't hold any heartless, brainless, spineless idiot high in my books. Who are you to tell her advice when she was the MOST successful in marriage and kids then you or your two other siblings. She was a wonderful wife and mother. You wanted to destroy that. You worked for it for years. You wanted her to be a lonely old hag, hm? You didn't want her to watch us grow or to love us in any way. I actually thought you cared about me. Good try. I thought you loved me. You proved me wrong with the first words out of your conniving mouth.

Wrong ,u all push my sister beyond the limits ,u know better , don't blame me,am not the only one u think in this way, u r a very selfish ,and a big liar.

Honey, if you want me to understand you...Try to speak English.

I see u have a lot of time an your hand to insult people .Maybe u look your on room how dirty is . That is your personality

Intelligent. My room is clean currently. And yes, I have time. I know how to multitask, do you not? I'm conversing with you, skyping a friend, writing an essay, and doing 4 subjects of homework. What about you?

There was no reply. If there is one later I'll add it.

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