About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Saturday, June 23, 2012


[6:00:54 PM] tHeMaGnIfIcEnTePiToMeOfFuCk: Good. At least you can see through the fucking veil put over eyes by society. I wish everyone would stop caring about what others think. Stop being so damn serious and stop getting so upset over /nothing/. Chill out and kick back and take a fucking BREAK from stressing. Look around themselves and count their blessings instead of LOOKING for pain and trouble and hurtful things. Sure Im a goddamn hypocrite. I don't care what  others think of me, I don't care about myself at fucking all, but I do care about others. I DO care how they live their life and how they're affecting others.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


 When you two-three wake up I want you to look in the mirror and smile--AND THEN HOLD IT, don't just suddenly frown at yourself and wander off all depressed! Smile and smile and make a funny face, and then walk away laughing.

And I know most of you have hard lives, very hard lives, and even if your life isn't hard, there are some complications that can be very difficult on you emotionally, but for some reason, even if I can't see you or hear you...Even if I haven't met you face-to-face...I care if you're happy. I will be off at my friend's house or at the movies with my father, and I will be thinking about -everyone- wondering how you're doing right now.

Hoping you're dreaming of peace and happiness.

I do think a lot, every second of the day my mind produces five different thoughts that I can either grab hold of or let wander.

My imagination is so damn intense that if I think about someone stabbing me I'll feel it. And I will be so uncomfortable for the longest time.

It's not right, I know. Maybe I need medicine or therapy, but I don't care. I've been trying hard not to dwell on the troubles in my life because I've evaluated them for years and it's gotten me no where. So I look at others and pray to help -them-. I don't give a damn about myself anymore aside from one thing that I'm working on- saving my own life...Changing my path and hoping for the best, even though hoping has never really actually...well, worked for me.

But, listen, I absolutely enjoy hearing about your troubles, not in a sadistic way, but in a way that it takes my mind off of my sick imagination and stupid fantasies and my own hardships, and allows me to focus on YOU.

You guys are my greatest treasures, my most prideful accomplishments! That I was able to find humans so beautiful and unique and friendly and silly and funny and just a perfect -joy- to talk to! It just amazes me.

And I don't ever want to lose you three, so continue to talk to me, and continue to live your lives and hope for the best because maybe, since I'm hoping for your best, our hopes will add up and your lives will turn and you'll reach the top and actually feel complete and utter happiness and have everything you could ever hope to have (in a simple way, not like, a billion dollars) and then you'll just have a peaceful, downhill guidance from there.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dear Father,

Who the hell are you to keep me from seeing my family? Why do you think you have the right to contain me in this hell-hole where there's nothing to see and do. You can't legally hold me here nor can you financially afford it or do -anything- with me here. Let me spend my days with my family who I haven't seen in over a year. You see me every day and every night so just suck it up and stop acting like the child you know you are. Oh, you were robbed of me for the past two summers? Wrong. I was here last summer, I chose to come back and all I got in return was being your damn slave. You suddenly care for me? This is me not caring for your crap anymore.
