About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Friday, July 23, 2010

Double Birthday

Haha Okay.. I just had to go back and edit this post because I posted it with nothing there but "Double Birthday" Sooo today my sister and I woke up reeeeeeally late and had little children crawling all over us..Well it was just Jo Jo and Gabe. I don't know what happened to Judith..maybe he got kidnapped! (gasp!) Who cares? Not ME! Just kidding, incase his mother is reading this..

Weeeeell after that we took showers and kicked back and relaxed.. As my aunt and mother cooked some meat and cake..and cake..and cake..and cake..and more cake..It was one cake but they kept on screwing up or something and layering it. But it had manjar in it and marangue too! With peaches (I think it was peaches (On top of it all!) Twas delicious. Haha! When I type delicious. I think del- ih- she- ush. So delicious. Just like when I type banana. I have to sing that stupid song in my head. Ya know "It's bananas! B-a-n-a-n-a-s!" Or else I can't spell bananas. It would come out like banana. haha! I spelled it right! No More Banana Song! ...Off topic!

Well usually my aunt is the nanny for these kids so we were doing her a favor by taking care of them..Though..She was cooking the cake for her own birthday party..hmm..maybe we should have helped her...Too Late Now! So my sis was in the living room cuddling JoJo while he watched tv and she played on the laptop. And I locked Gabe in the room with me while the politics channel was on and I was on the laptop with my ipod in. Oh and before that I stuffed pillows under the door so no one could here his screaming as he was forced to watch the politics channel for 6 hours..I mean..he's only 5..what's wrong with politics! Once he left I turned on Igor though. He had to go home. :( :( :( I was enjoying "babysitting" the kid!

Well the party was for my aunt and her nephew cause they have the same birthday. He was turning 15 and she was turning 28. Not really 28..but she says that she feels like em 40! Well the birthday boy (who turned 15..) Lets call him Chum. ( I was like what are we gonna call him Amber? Cho, Ching, Chan, Chaun, Sean, Chun, Chum..Chum! Chuuummm! Yep I like its!) So Chum was bored after dinner cause there were like old people and like 20 people all who are 30-60..So Yeah you can imagine how us 3 teens were bored out of our minds..until we were watching Jack Black sing on American Idol..and listening to Chum's favorite songs..and talking about asians and black people. Hehe. And how mixed kids..Who's parents are different races like black and white..almost all of them are like, gorgeous..for some reason. And my sis was like "cause blacks have some good qualities that whites don't have and vice versa. So together they make a perfected child!" Which I think is true. (Don't get me wrong! My mother is from Chile and my dad is white!)

After we ate cake..perverted acts happened and I was scarred for life for a second time that night. And then Chum fell asleep..And my sis and I escaped the party and and hour later the rest left.


Leaving back to home town soooooon!
Current mood: happy. :)

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