About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Haunting in Connecticut

Okay..So its one in the morning starting......NOW! And I just came back from my aunts apartment (which is like 10 seconds away I mean 15 or less steps. Saying this so you know its not far and I travel in between my Tia Gloria's and Tia Luisis's apartments) and half an hour ago my dear cousin Chum, my lovely sister Amber, and your wonderful host myself just finished our movie. When I first got there it was around 9. Our whole (almost whole a couple were missing) family of relatives and friends were sitting at a large table eating home made banana splits! They were delicious, but I didn't finish mine. At the moment Master of Disguise was playing.

After we cleaned up I sat down in the office/livingroom thing room with Chum and my sis, and we watched a couple minutes of Step Brothers before my loving cousin Alex, (name not changed, Chum's dad) gave us a choice of dvds cause we were bored! Chum said we would love The Haunting in Connecticut and so we turned it on!

Personally I thought this movie was amazing and really touching and beautiful! :) No I am not a freak. I only got scared enough to show when in the begining a head popped out of the mirror, so I gasped and jumped. Then a couple more scenes just more jump-gasping and then my wonderful, SO FUNNY, cousin of mine!!! (sarcasm..and it was Alex) crawls in on only his hands and twists his shaved head of his around the door frame screaming BRAUGHHHLLL! So I screamed at the top of my lungs such a sissy, stupid, girly, scream!! And jumped like a foot in the air as did my sister. And Chum was just sitting there laughing at us. So Alex got up and ran away laughing. He scared me WAY MORE than that movie did. And next thing I know 10 minutes later..Alex's mother in law walks into the kitchen (next room we saw her, clear glass door) And my sister and I scream again, me cussing violently cause I was scared so bad. And yes, I prayed for forgiveness at my bad manners! I know it was rude..but.. :(

I also jumped and cussed sadly when the blue skinned guy appeared when the mother in the movie turned the lights on. Yeah. The end was so touching though..oh and my sister was crying cause she was scared and sad cause in the movie people were crying..don't feel bad for her..she doesn't really matter if she's crying cause a scary movie..I mean if she wanted to leave she could have..and she stayed till the end.
So since that was a true story movie..I really felt admiration for the Medium boy that was burned to death. I mean.. trying to protect the family to the very end..and Oh! I'm not gonna say anything that gives the movie away..just in case anyone wants to go watch it after reading this.

..The suspense was amazing and I loved the main character and Medium boy. They made me love the movie..Which is now my all time favorite movie! No Joke! I'd love to force my friends to watch it with me! ON OUR BIG SCREEN! That would totally make the effect amazing..Anywho..What else was I gonna say? Dunno..

Morning at the beach tomorrow!
Current mood: Content
Ending time: 1:20

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