About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


My mom wants to divorce the family. She saw a lawyer yesterday and this morning said in an email why she wants a divorce and how she wants to milk us for all she can get. I got pissed.
Around second period I had fallen off my cliff of frustration and decided to do something stupid. I started scheming for the quickest way to get sent to the Principal. Eventually I left my class and wandered the school for the remainder of 2nd..Walked into 3rd, threw my stuff under my desk and stomped out. Somehow I ran into my older brother on the way to my own self destruction. He decided to join me. We made it to the front office, completely ready to bitch ourselves out at The Bitch, but she wasn't in her office. So we sat down against the wall. A lunch passed, B lunch, C lunch, and D lunch. We got many odd stares. Two kids. Looking mightily pissed off. Both dressed in all black. The girl wearing some grey fur. Both pale with dark eyes. They didn't know who we were or why we were by the office. About 20 people came by (most who were my friends) and asked why we were there and if we were in trouble. 2 hours later a teacher finally realized that we were skipping school. The Bitch showed up and my brother and I destroyed her. We told her everything. We allowed her to see the massive burden that we carry on our backs everyday. The towering boulder twenty times taller than me, and a hundred years older...We showed her every crack and every smudge on that burden, described it in fine detail and ended with the fact that she needed to get off our backs. Eat my heart out.

And my mom had another break down today.

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