About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Saturday, August 28, 2010


First week of school is over! Oh. So on Friday I went to the library w/ meh friends and then we walked to a nearby store and just ate and talked for hours, then we went home, later I went to the first high school football game.

Today I went to the movies with my mom and dad and we watched Karate Kid which I have to say was so amazing my new favorite movie. And then with my dad, because my mother doesn't like monsters I watched Predators..Which was eh..good. But I really didn't like it, it wasn't scary, they cussed too much, and the monsters looked fake, no one got eaten, they just got shot or stabbed the end.

Less than thirty minutes ago my dad was drinking water and so I perfectly timed when he had his mouth FULL of water and was about to swallow I took two of my fingers in a knife form and stabbed him in the stomach till he choked on the water, coughing and spluttering, he took a swipe at me but I just danced away laughing.
I'm such a mean daughter. He loves me though. ^^


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fourth day of school

Okay so tomorrow is the last day for my first week of school to be complete. So far I have not gotten in trouble with any of the teachers..well..kinda not. But whatever.
The homework is always super easy and the band songs are all for the pep rally so I already know them all from last year.
The new band teacher we have this year who was a sub I hated last year, is still pretty evil and mean, but band is the most fun class because I learned to ignore her voice and everything she says so...All I hear is the music, the people randomly practicing a certain measure and people talking. I just watch her hands is all. The end. Oh and we play ninja after school. *nodnod*


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

tHiRd DaY oF sChOoL

:) I was bored. So yeah. P.E. I didnt do anything, well the teacher didnt make us do anything and I am slacking on my punctuation but too bad TEACHERS you cant MAKE ME! Because you aren't HERE! Oh no. I accidentally punctuated. The homework was a toughy, but I did mine and my friends because she fell asleep while we were at the public library, then we went to Subway. Yay. Then I went home. Yay. Then I cleaned my room. Boo. Then here I am.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Second Day of School

Aww well. I already got in trouble with a teacher. T_T But it wasn't really my fault. She just yelled at me cause I didn't have my supplies, and I just shrugged at her. Which I think really pissed her off. But Who cares. NOT ME!
My mom wanted to write me a note excusing me for not having any supplies b/c she couldn't take me out that week to buy any, but I told my mom not to worry about it, I get yelled at all the time, what's once more gonna do?
So I have to get up early tomorrow b/c my wonderful writing partner was so distracted and trying to entertain me while we were interviewing eachother, he didn't finish interviewing me, so that means we both have to go to school early and finish. Bleh. But whatever, I disobeyed my Science teacher and didnt see her after school so she could help me cause I didnt need help setting up my journal. And the algebra homework was pretty easy but I missed two out of 30 questions :( Teeeeeehee.

Ratteh teh great

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of school!

Today was the first day of school. Well I was worried because I didn't have any supplies. But I was good, nothing happened. And I tried to make my first impression as the girl that doesn't want any attention, doesn't want teachers calling on her or bothering her or she will be..ehh unhappy and uncooperative, but no. The teachers think hmm look at the girl with the brown, curly hair in an "emo cut" bangs grown out long, black jeans too big for her,and the yellow shirt with black and red roses on it. Looks like a good girl to bother. "Hey come up here and pass these out. Can you go tell the teacher next door to shut up please? Can you take these papers to the attendance office? You're the last child of your family I've had. Three amazing children. * <---screams this in front of whole class. And embarrassing me* Go get the white roster from professor soso." The teachers, some were making me feel like I would suck bad, others made me feel quite natural, and comfy, enough so that I KNOW I wouldn't even have to -try- to get amazing grades. The last one was even making me laugh all through class. The only bad thing that happened was that they lengthened the eight hours we go to school to eight hours and five minutes. I mean, why even bother lengthening our time if it's going to be an amount of minutes that wouldn't even make a mark. The only thing that did was screw up 300 parents' schedules!!
I'll update tomorrow.

-Ratty in a Rush

Friday, August 13, 2010


This morning I have orientation for school!! Seeing what teachers I get and all that good stuff.
I have REALLY wanted to post this last week because every day has been amazing. 10 days till school officially starts, but whatever.
So I went to the temple for the first time and it was AMAZING! I was shaking I don't know what out of..fear maybe when we first entered and I kept on shaking until I finally walked into that water and was dipped in for 11 people. I hope they appriciate what I have done for them. *nod nod* I really should have done it before though. FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVEN'T FIGURED IT OUT ALREADY! I am...a mormon girl!!! One. No mormons are NOT extinct. Two. NO!! We are not polygamists!!! Maybe the mormons MIGHT have practiced that over hundreds of thousands of years ago. But. Not. Now. GET THE PICTURE BRIAN!
And for Aaron telling everyone "Mormons baptise the dead. As in they play with corpses." NO!! NO!! NO!! We do NOT baptize the dead. We do baptisms FOR THE dead. Which mean we baptize in their name. So I, in the name of 11 people who have passed. Was baptized. I am totally lost on how to spell baptise and stuff though. :) And later my family visited my grandpa. And my sister and i went to the mall with a friend. TTYL

Bleh blah blooh

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Okay! I am now permanently erasing my promise! I am NOT going to post on every night because I am an irresponsible person. Or so I'm told.
AND school is starting and, with those demon teachers around every corner..How will I ever find time to post? Well If something really REALLY interesting happens. THEN I will post. But I doubt that will happen because I am a dull, not funny, uncaring, stupid person. And can't seem to remember to call someone lovely instead of weird. Or a Pretty girl instead of a dumb..crap.

Time to visit Grandpa.
"Your such a freak. I mean..You are just SO lovely!"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Went to art museum..ate icecream..cleaned house a bit..ate burgers..here I am.

Dur Deh dur!!
Current Mood: No longer gonna do current moods


On the 2nd I dont remember I hope we did nothing.

Bleh Heh Heh
Current Mood: Agitated


Okay Okay on the first. We arrived at like 9 pm back home in Texas and then my dog went nuts. and yeah we watched youtube videos w/ the family till 1 am and then we went to sleep! tah dah!

I. Noticed. When. You. Type. Like. This. You. Read. Like. A. Robot.
Current mood: None


Okay on the 31st we left, drove for 5 hours. (Well my mom drove) And then we went to a hotel and then..there was a thunderstorm and then..we left.

The end.
Current mood: rushing (thats not a mood but whatever)
