About Me

I'm dying of liver failure. Unknown cause. Currently asking God for another six months. I want to be there on the birthday of my love.

What I've Already Said

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Band Bashers = Retarded Pricks

This is a very, very old Note I wrote on Facebook. It was inspired by my boyfriend at the time as he sent me links to some asshole bashing my favorite band.

I -really- don't give a shit, who you are or what you do, if you go around pissing on a band that "you don't like", reconsider it.

Chances are, you're going to run into a fan of said band, and the fight is not going to be a pretty one. I don't know about any of you, but I stand up for my bands.

If I hear you talking about how you think some band I -love- is "fucking gay", "full of faggots" or has "shitty music" and I think otherwise? EXPECT to have some freaking short girl, with brown hair bitching in your face.

Personally, I absolutely hate most people that absolutely hate my favorite band. And that band? Is MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE.

Don't think you have shit on a band because of it's name. I mean, what the hell? Wanna talk about names? I'll give you some names to laugh about. Did you know your parents used to have sex to Ding Ding Dong? Yeah? Don't believe me? Go play it for them.

If you think you have shit on a band because of how they dress or what they look like? Go look in the mirror, I'm pretty sure I can find 15 different flaws about your appearance that you won't forget.

If you think you have shit on a band because of what they freaking name. a. song??? Unless they name it "I'm going to rape your sister" then, you have no reason to have anger on a band. I mean, you must be crazy to get pissed off because it's a stupid name like "Taco Bell Is Gay".

And don't you freaking dare try and bash a band because they have a sad song about a kid dying with cancer. What's it to you? Is there something insulting about the name? Hm? Aww poor baby. Poor you. You're insulted by songs that have to do with tragedies. Well a LOT of listeners and fans of a band like that? They can relate to the song. People have screwed up lives, believe it. An' some people are only holding on because they LIVE by that music, they LOVE to hear the singer of some famous band telling a story of tragedy and then singing a happy ending and saying "I'll always be here for you".

Some of you people who do any of this must have a very large stick up your ass labeled "Life". You must be the dumb freaks who go on Youtube and bash a band when over 5 million fans can read your comment. Let me challenge you: DON'T EVER insult a band or a singer, unless you can do BETTER than that band or singer. Unless YOU can somehow gain TEN MILLION fans. TEN MILLION fans in a short 5 years that will make you rich by going to your concerts and buying your music.

Love, Kelsy.


#1 DUMBSHIT: http://getoffmylawnkid.blogspot.com/2010/11/bands-that-suck-balls-my-chemical.html?showComment=1311647319844#c7934218505518587538 "

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I Stare

There's obviously something wrong with me.
Why can't I get YOU out of my head!
I don...I don't know.
I don't know you.
I've never kissed your lips.
I've never felt your warm embrace.
I've never spent the evening lying in bed with you.
All I know.
Is your voice.
Your silliness.
Your charming nature.
Your famous struggle to maintain the face of a douchebag.
The cold hard facts about how there is NOTHING between us anymore.
The sad truth that you probably never loved me.
But, love, please understand.
If I could get in a terrible accident and wake up from a coma and not remember you at all.
I'd choose that path in a heart beat.
Because I'd rather live and love than live in love and unloved.
Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Life. Pleeease.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Oh fuck.
So I'm going about downloading songs onto Itunes from Youtube and 2conv.com and when I get to All Choked Up - Say Anything, the second top comment...Instantly struck me as...Familiar.
So I fucking visited that person's profile page.
I looked at about 5 of their comments and 10 of their video views and was 98% sure that I'd stumbled upon HIS fucking account. WTF FML what the HELL, GOD?!? Why'd you DO this to me?!

"No one's home

I just sang that as loud as I possibly could


Felt a little better.


Should I make one?
I was decided I would about an hour ago, but now I don't feel like it.
What else?
OH! We watched Food Inc. reminded me of my Vegetarian days.
Maybe--fuck. You know what? I think I'll go back to being a Vegetarian REAL soon.
Just in spite of YOU.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Right Now - Asking Alexandra.
I wanna make love right now now now.
I wanna make love right now now now!
...I totally used to think the were saying "Like na na na!"
Do not get me wrong, I enjoy the original song, but not quite enough as the cover.
It's ridiculously brilliant.
I was shocked to learn my Mormon friend Eternity listened to it.
SCREAMO is a big part in such a song.
Of course.
From such a band.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Pizza Rolls MMMM

I swear. Totino's Pizza Rolls. Peparoni flavored. It's like. An orgasm. In your mouth. FUCKING YUM. SAHJASEDHGKSADHq
Not that I'd know what an orgasm tastes like. I'm a total virgin. ;P

Mondays, oh Mondays.

It was in the very early morning that my alarm went off. Possibly around 5 in the morning. I vaguely remember reaching over with my left hand to brush my fingertips over the smooth cold surface of the electronic Ihome that serves as my alarm clock. I was looking for a circle within a circle on the right side of the top. I clicked and clicked and clicked because my common sense wasn't fully comprehending the situation while half-asleep. Eventually I turned the device off and fell back asleep.
Again I woke at 7 in the morning, this time looking over to see that the clock read "11:am" and thinking to myself "It's 11. I should get up." I looked over "...Oh it's a 11. It's 11." A third time I glanced over it read "7:13". I was confused. I suggested to myself that the mistake had only been my mind playing tricks on me.
In Algebra, I lied to my teacher.
I texted my mom asking her to buy my notes.
I made a to-do list.
Just as I was about to point out my teacher's uselessness, a request for me in the counselor's office was made apparent by an Aide walking in with a pink slip with my name on it. I sighed in annoyance and stomped out the door and down the hall. I turned sharply to the left and began the long journey down the main 2nd story passage way. I was slightly regretting the email I had sent to my dear counselor. I looked from my feet to the staircase I was heading to and noticed my AP walking towards me. Shit.
We had a brief discussion to why I wasn't at detention on Saturday.
I made it to the counselor's office.
I signed in.
I looked around.
The clerk finally noticed me and waved me through.
I walked for a minute or two until I found the correct office.
I stepped in.
She rudely told me to take a seat.
I obliged.
I allowed her to explain her dumbass actions of the previous week.
I made it apparent that I was annoyed with her.
I pestered her with useless questions.
She lied to me.
I could tell.
She informed me that she had never received an email as rude and disrespectful in her whole life.
I bluntly shrugged and rolled my eyes.
I didn't give a shit.
I left.
I made it back to Algebra.
I pointed out my teacher's uselessness.
I updated my to-do list.
I updated my friends about my counselor and schedule.
I was forced to promise to show them the email.
I nodded.
The bell rang.
I walked with a friend to Band while bitching about my counselor.
I freaked out.
I forgot my flute.
Amber forgot her flute.
I freaked out.
I stared at Mr. Meyers.
He noticed the lack of my instrument.
He bluntly told me to get the hell out and that I wouldn't be playing in the concert tonight.
I left.
I shrugged.
I sighed.
I sat quietly watching the rehearsal, ignoring the dumb statements of my sister and wondering if Meyers would feel like shit if he knew that I was dying. Or if I showed him a video of someone having a sever psychotic breakdown and said "That's my mom. Frequently." or informed him of my parent's divorce.
My eyes watered.
Rehearsal ended.
I walked around the bandhall avoiding friends.
I got my emotions under control.
I sent a long text to the first girl who found out I was dying a day after I even found out.
I got called down to my AP's office by Meyers.
I discussed a book with her co-worker.
I almost left.
I was not allowed to.
I went to the library with my AP.
I talked to the librarian and informed her of the fact that I was absolutely positive I returned the book that was apparently in my hands last.
She couldn't find it.
I now owe the school 35 dollars.
I went to my new Spanish class.
Tons of hotties. (Guys)
I was embarrassed when my teacher pointed me out.
She's sweet enough.
Though she has an annoyingly high pitched voice.
The end.
Oh. And I'm dead fucking tired.
Oh and after school.
I pickpocketed a friend.
I changed her best friend's contact name to "Mom" and vis versa.
I posted 2 funny facebook status.
One was "I like pineapples. I like them hard."
the other was concerning her carelessness.
I think that's all.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


This is my hundredth post, guys (Me, myself, and I...And possibly Matt)!
I apologize for straying from my original format of entries, but I will attempt to temporarily switch back. Switch back. As in a song by the cusp of fame, Celldweller. Switch back. The two words that cause me to think of switch BLADES. Switch blades. The knives that make me think of the delicious noise a weapon of that particular style emits when he slices through the stale air. That echoing ring that imitates the moan of a creature wrapped in the engulfing, heavy blanket of pure ecstasy. Ecstasy, the feeling otherwise described as during an intense euphoric experience. An intense, euphoric experience for example during an orgasm occurring while sexual intercourse is in progress. Orgasm. That's too awesome to describe. You'll have to find out first hand, brothers.
ON ANOTHER MUDDERFUCKEN NOTE. I can't get that douche bag out of my mind. He's just always...Always in there. And it's pissing me off. To no end.
Mood? Terrified.
(I was sitting hear typing when a huge thump resounded to the left of my bed. I yanked my foot back into the safety of my bed and sweared at my sister who was in the next room. I began to panic and curl up in a ball, dead center in the middle of my bed when I realized it wasn't my sister. My eyes darted to my bathroom (on the left) and I thought I saw a figure. To my right...Movement caught my eye. I slowly looked over...And saw the Woman In Black standing there. I let out a blood curdling shriek and fumbled to flip on the lamp to my left. My sister was screaming at me in alarm from the next room. I succeeded on turning on the lamp. It was only my Jacob Black poster. How the fuck that appeared to be a woman by my bed, I don't know.

I Hate How You're Right

He wants you to want him. He gets off on the fact that you are madly in love with him, and he can treat you however he wants. He can use you when he pleases, flirting, maybe even sexual-related conversation. He might even be really sweet at times, or perhaps even open up to you.
But all of that is when he pleases. He knows that no matter what, you're madly in love with him. He then wants other things. You'll always be there for when he has (I apologize) nothing (at least in his eyes) better.
He can treat you like shit, go after other women, do whatever the fuck he wants, and still have you to fall back on. And he is so pleased with himself about that.
However, most likely if you start getting over him. Once you realize what a complete and utter cunt he is, and you don't want him anymore?
He won't like that. So he might try and act like he really does love you blah blah blah
But if you fall for it, things will just go right back to how they were.
And you KNOW this, because it's already happened to you. Possibly more than once.
But love is hard, sweetie.You really just have to be strong."

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I need to shut the fuck up about it. I get it.
You need to fucking speak up. You can't hold that to yourself.
It's a fucking selfish thing to do.
It matters.
Fuck you. Fuck your damn drama.
It fucking matters and you fucking know it.
Yes. Grow the fuck up.
I meant it.
And I'll hold to what I said.
And yes, I will fuck off.
That's what you want.
You want me to fuck off.
Then fuck you.
I will.
I will. I will. I will god dammit.
Today. Is a change.
Today is the first day I wasn't in love with you.
Today I looked back on your messages.
Today I wondered if you were truly dying.
Today I was angry and you sent me a picture.
I couldn't be myself because I was angry.
Today I decided to tell you something curious just happened.
Today I decided to ask you a question because I felt rejected and lonely when you didn't respond.
Today you responded.
Today you said something.
Something so fucking stupid.
Something so fucking stupid it pissed me off.
Today I was pissed off and said something so fucking stupid to you.
Today I decided that I would fucking hold to what I said because it's for the better.
Today I reasoned that what the fuck.
What if all this time.
I wasn't the only girl.
How the fuck am I to know if there are actually multiple girls out there in love with you texting you right now?
How am I to know that you're not saying sexual things to all of them and not just me.
How am I to know why you do that?
Why do you?
You don't love me.
You love that girl.
Whoever the fuck she is.
You are head over heels for her?
Yet you play around with my fucking head?
Am I not hurt enough you son of a fucking bitch?
Am I not hurting, darling boy who makes me cry?
I love you. I love you like a past love.
But I'm not in love with you.
Not anymore at least.
Your fault, too.
Is your.
You think I'm a fucking crying little teenager.
Dude, we both have fucked up lives. This isn't a competition.
What the fuck is wrong with you? You have not humanity.
I cry over you all the time. I cry, not because you're not mine.
I cry, not because I miss you or that I long for you or that I regret things with you.
I cry.
I hate your life. I fucking hate it. Why you? I wish I could change that. I wish I could save you.
I want to take all your pain. I want you to grow up with a loving father.
I want you to grow up with a loving mother.
I want you to grow up having all the attention and love you could possibly wish for.
I want you to grow up humble.
I want you to grow up caring.
I want you to know...How special it is to have love.
I want you to grow old.
I want you to be healthy.
I want you to have kids.
I want you to get married to a beautiful and kind woman.
I want her to love you just as much as you love her and more.
I want her to be all you'll ever want forever.
I want you to fall in love with that woman and for everything to go perfect.
I want you to never stray and be unfaithful to her.
I want you to see your grandkids.
I want you to grow grey hair.
I want you to grow weak.
I want you to grow withered.
I want you to slow down.
I want you to watch sunsets with your dying wife.
I want you to have lived a full and happy life.
I want you to have no regrets and be eternally thankful for such a life.
I want you to die.
I want you to die.
And with her by your side.
I want you both.
To leave together.
I love you.

And if I could die tonight.
Just to grant you everything I want for you.
I'd take that option with out a second thought.
And I'm sad.
Because you're just like all the others.

Shove Off

Today...I fell out of love.
5 months too late.
You were my hero for 5 months.
You haunted me another 5.
And now?
In 5 months.
I'll haunt you.

Another dream

This time...I was in a city. A hotel. Something. Waaay up high. Then disaster struck. And everyone was dying. People were jumping off sky scrapers. Splattering below. The woman around me were panicking and rushing about. If you go outside. Your skin would freeze off immediately. I was in a tank top. The door kept opening and the wind would blow through the hall. One woman noticed how I didn't shiver. Maybe I was a demon? The pool was over 500 ft deep, and very clear. A man somehow ended up floating across the bottom. Dead. Then two more adults. And two small children. The little girl clutched a teddy bear.
Scene change.
I found Austin. Called around if anyone else was from our English class. A girl raised her hand. I looked at her face "You're not from our class." Austin and I wandered around the hotel. Dead bodies were in every corner. It was dark. Frightening. There was an elevator. I got in with him. Pitch black. All you could hear was our heavy breathing. Ragged. And the electronic buzz of the elevator.
Scene change.
I somehow ended up seperate from Austin. I was walking around in the ghetto. It was bright out. I saw no dead bodies. I wasn't in the city anymore. I was in a countryish place. Grass. Warm weather. I came across a gang. In a little nook there was 6 cars parked. Somehow I bought one of the cars from them. It was huge. I don't remember how i paid for it. The only way to break the car was to push some stupid button. I remember this displeased me.
Scene change.
We were back inside the hotel. Everyone was shouting in horror and looking down into the depths of the pool. Somehow. Those who drowned were alive. Living dead. Zombies. The first man who fell was holding a gun. The rest were lined up against the wall. He'd look up at us with red, swollen eyes and grin and then shoot a person about six times from up under the chin, causing a huge bloody mess. Then he'd do it again. And again. He aimed the gun at the little girl.
I woke up.
